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Why Lots of Politicians Have Grand House | My Secret at Heist Blog
Why Lots of Politicians Have Grand House

Why Lots of Politicians Have Grand House

Whenever I see a politician while me and my family are watching the news, I always assume that politicians in high position have undoubtedly luxurious house and cars. They are probably treating their homes as some sort of a toy house where they can decorate it the way they want it to. Sometimes, I think that it is unfair because there are many politicians who aren’t playing it fair and taking advantage of their position. Well, most of us, probably know that, there are countries wherein politicians are used to corrupting the citizen’s taxes for their personal gain. But it is not like we can do anything about it, right? Corruption is very rampant in politics and it has been with us for hundreds of years now.

One time I was looking every channel in our TV to look for something that I can watch, then there is this channel that features a documentary about a certain politician’s lifestyle including his house, car, and even clothes. Then I watched the documentary. It states there that literally all politicians have hundred million worth of house. According to the documentary, it is because politicians believe that their car and house must reflect their status in life and how much they earn. I am quite surprised how straightforward the documentary is. Anyway, I was able to watch until the show ends. And here are why I learned:

  • Everything inside the politician’s house, from the curtains and even the placemat in the dining table are very costly.
  • The house has a very nice interior design. It makes me want to redecorate my house.
  • It is a 3 story house with probably at least five bedrooms.
  • I also like that they even invested money in providing a great house to their pets.

Upon watching the documentary, it made me want to redecorate my house, not changing my bed sheet and curtains in thousands worth of items similar to the documentary. I just like how refreshing it looks and I think it is because of the house paint. It also mentioned that painters calgary are responsible for the wall painting and design.

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