Tag: media-political

Politics And Sport Relationship

Politics And Sport Relationship

Sport has political implications in almost every respect. Sporting activity without an indirect and mostly direct relationship to the political system is unthinkable.

On the relationship between sport and politics

At the local level, sport is integrated into a local political decision-making network. Individual sporting activities would not be possible without the provision of institutional local political framework conditions.

At the regional level, sport is the responsibility of regional political institutions. They can assign sports to the various political departments of the respective state government. All parties represented in the state parliaments show their sports policy spokespersons.

At the national level, the topic of sport is dealt with and is the responsibility of the respective federal government and within the government of several ministries.

At the international level, there are state organizations. They have all set up independent, specific structures and work on their respective sports policy tasks with the support of professionally qualified full-time staff. Because of the relationship of politics and sports, you can read sports news on websites such as mega-news.in.

How comprehensive the political significance of sport and the purposes ascribed to it

  • Authorities legitimize school sport by its importance in educational policy.
  • Health sport is of great importance in terms of health policy.
  • Recreational sport is characterized by a social and a specific labor policy importance.
  • Sports events are a coveted stage for the self-portrayal of political systems and politicians.
  • Politicians often use their involvement in sports organizations to advance their careers, sometimes as a catch-all after political office.
  • Sport is important media-political content.
  • The sport has a military-political meaning. It is important training content for soldiers in every army in the world.
  • Politicians link sport to achieving foreign policy goals.
  • The sport serves for international representation worldwide.

Sport thus has political implications through and through. However, politics is not sport and sport is not politics. It is important and appropriate to carefully separate the two spheres and differentiate them accordingly.

mega news

Playing sport is a human right

At the level of the individual person, sport should make a contribution to the personality development of the individual. It should have a biological effect, contribute to personal well-being, and, above all, should be an area of ​​personal responsibility be trade.

At the level of culture and society, sport should have a symbolic effect on the transmission of important values. Above all, this applies to the symbolic power of performance-oriented action, to competition and to the values ​​of solidarity and fair play.

If one agrees with this functional description, the social mandate of the system of sport can be defined relatively precisely. The functions describe the goals of responsible sports policy.
