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Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy: Initiative that Improved Brazil’s Economic Potentials | My Secret at Heist Blog
Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy: Initiative that Improved Brazil’s Economic Potentials

Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy: Initiative that Improved Brazil’s Economic Potentials

In Brazil, utilization of agência de marketing digital still has a long way to go before it can replace Free TV, and dominate the country’s advertising landscape. Nevertheless, through the government’s Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy, notable improvements have been achieved by the country’s digital advertising sector and the companies that harness digital marketing technologies.

Current statistics show that about 50% of brand advertisements in the country still appear in the free-to-air TV network owned by local media conglomerate Grupo Globo.

Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy Helped Improve Brazil’s Image in the International Scene

After the completion of the 4-year federal initiative called the Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy (BDTS) launched by the federal government in 2018, the country was able to enhance the attractiveness of Brazil’s local businesses to foreign investors.

The latest report published by the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) for 2022 – 2023, now ranks Brazil as the 71st most competitive country among the 140 nations recently assessed by GCI. Whereas before in the 2019 version of the GCI report, Brazil landed the 80th position, a ranking regarded as below Brazil’s potential for social and economic development and growth.

Yet upon completion of the 4-year BDTS initiative launched in 2018, the financial reports showed that in 2021 digital advertising landscape showed the most improvement. As much as 30.2 billion Brazilian reals were spent on digital advertising. The amount represented an estimated 30% boost when compared to the 2020 figure highlighted as improvement of the advertising market as a result of the ongoing digital transformation during the year.

Other Benefits Gained by Brazil as Outcomes of the 2018-2021 BDTS

The federal government’s Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy initiative was carried out by coordinating with precision, various public policies. Doing so was a way of making certain there is a widespread adoption of digital technologies across different economic sectors of the country.

The goal was to achieve productive transitions that will build a more prosperous economy composed of different industries working for the benefit of a free and fair Brazilian society.

Aside from the financial successes attained by digital marketing and advertising firms, other benefits of an economy supported by digital technologies include the following:

Access to educational resources that do not require distinctions pertaining to race, gender, geographical locations, income and similar discriminating factors.

Automation and digital processes that allow the reduction of costs and increase in productivity at a faster rate. Through automation of repetitive tasks and by streamlining workflow, efficiency and productivity is improved to yield greater value for the digitally transformed business.

Through quicker and more accurate data analytics and use of algorithms as digital guidelines, management is able to arrive at decisions that deliver potentially significant gains.

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